
Freshman-Sophomore (2014-2015): I investigated silver oxide thin-film printed batteries for use in printed electronics applications with the Printed Electronics Group at UC Berkeley, led by Professor Vivek Subramanian of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department. Specifically, I am looked at failure mechanisms in printed batteries using energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and I also examined ways to improve shelf-life. I investigated methods of reducing zinc dendritic formation by using corrosion inhibitors, and I also investigated printable encapsulation for the printed batteries. In addition to researching printed batteries, I also worked on developing mathematical models and simulations of field emitter arrays using COMSOL. Specifically, I performed 2D electrostatic simulations that were based on Poisson's equation.

Junior-Senior (2016-2018): I investigated switched capacitor battery balancing for use in power electronics applications with the Power Electronics Group at UC Berkeley, led by Professor Seth Sanders of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department.

Printed Battery
Switched Capacitor Battery Balancing